Media.Net Is The Best Google Adsense Alternatives.

 Why are you still using Google Adsense ? is your new choice now !  

about_ybing combines the advertiser network of the Yahoo! Bing Network with privately-backed’s Web publisher relations and platform. It is wholly separate from the previously failed Yahoo! Publisher Network. It serves advertisements based on the context of the page. is currently only open to website(s) with premium content that fulfill the criteria specified below:

• Contain significant amount of original content that is updated regularly and does not infringe any third party intellectual property rights
• Receive majority of their traffic from US / UK / Canada
• Contain content that is primarily in the English language
• Have a reasonable volume of visitors already using the website
• Do not contain excessive advertising

With, you will be seeing only high quality and high paying ads. is targeted to small and large publishers, who produce quality content. So even if you have a small blog but with targeted and quality content, your chances of getting approval is high.
One of the key feature of is mobile ads. This feature is currently in beta, but with the growing number of smart phone users, mobile ads is the future of advertising for publishers. mobile detection technology automatically detects mobile and smart phone browser, and serves mobile ads, which will help you to earn extra.
The quality of ads are high, and various optimization techniques will help you to make huge money from your ad serving which leads to a high revenue. Below you will found the high RPM. If you have  United States / Canada / United Kingdom and/or high quality traffic. The RPM should be higher.


Also, You can monitor your stats from your iPhone or iPad.

Iphone r

There are very few ad networks which offers dedicated account manager, and is one of them. As soon as you get an approved account, you will be assigned an account manager, and he will be helping with setup and getting started.

Besides, the reporting dashboard is neat and easy to get accustomed with. Apart from that, if you have one approved account with, you can use the same account to run advertisements on multiple websites. Though, you need to get approval for every website, which is easy with the help of site manager.

AD unit allow place a maximum on 3  ad units per page. Note that their minimum payout amount is $100. But it’s easily achieved and they pays on time with credit, here is the new payment proof.



If you want to learn more about features, you can check out these two pages. Features, Why US.


Get started with from today ! Maximize your website revenue Now!  YBN Getting Started Guide

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