Microsoft’s Bing Ads Joins the Ads Integrity Alliance

Bing Ads will work alongside Google, Facebook, and Twitter to protect users from bad ads

CAMBRIDGE, Mass. – The Ads Integrity Alliance announced that Microsoft’s Bing Ads has joined a growing group of industry leaders in the fight against online ads that deliver malware, direct users to scams, or try to sell counterfeit goods. “Microsoft’s influence in the industry is undeniable,” said Bryan Gulachenski, the Alliance Executive Committee Chair and Interim StopBadware Executive Director. “Having Microsoft’s full weight behind the Ads Integrity Alliance give us an even stronger voice in advocating for user protection and upholding online trust.”


“Having Microsoft’s full weight behind the Ads Integrity Alliance give us an even stronger voice in advocating for user protection and upholding online trust.”

Launched in 2012, the Ads Integrity Alliance is tasked with safeguarding Internet users from malicious and deceptive ads and improving trust in online advertising. Alliance members, such as Google, Facebook, Twitter, the Interactive Advertising Bureau, and the Council of Better Business Bureaus, work collaboratively to develop best practices, share threat information, and increase awareness of bad ads and the work being done to address them. In February, the Alliance hosted the first in a series of panels on bad ads at the M3AAWG security conference; it will soon publish an inaugural set of industry recommendations to provide common language and standard definitions around bad ads.

“Microsoft is pleased to be joining the Ads Integrity Alliance. We’ll be actively engaged in supporting the Alliance’s goals of collaboration, education, and developing best practices to uphold user safety,” said David Gottlieb, Bing Ads Network Quality and Policy Manager at Microsoft Corp.

With Bing Ads’ participation, the Alliance welcomes another key partner in its work to make the Web safer for all users. “We couldn’t be more thrilled that Microsoft has joined forces with the Ads Integrity Alliance,” said Chris Mejia, Director of Ad Technology at the Interactive Advertising Bureau and a member of the Alliance’s Executive Committee. “Through its participation in the IAB’s Consumer Protection Task Force, Microsoft has proven to be a leader in fighting bad actors online— joining the Alliance further demonstrates its commitment to fostering a safe Internet ecosystem.”

About the Ads Integrity Alliance
The Ads Integrity Alliance is an initiative of StopBadware, a nonprofit anti-malware organization based in Cambridge, MA. The Alliance launched in 2012 and serves as a resource for online platforms seeking to protect users from deceptive or harmful ads. Charter members include AOL, Facebook, Google, the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB), and Twitter. For more information, visit

Source:  Ads Integrity Alliance


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