CPZ Media

CPZ Media Network Description
CPZ Media is a young global online advertising provider that drives leads for the world’s top brands by helping them learn about, reach and engage their online audiences more effectively.
CPZ Media has been paying publishers millions of dollars since 2010.
Publishers are guaranteed the highest possible returns by state of the art revenue optimization technology matching each ad to each visitor.
Websites are carefully selected for their geographic and demographic reach, and the lifestyles of their visitors.
CPZ Media Network Details
Commission Type: CPC(Cost Per Click), CPM(Cost Per Impressions)
Minimum Payment: N/A
Payment Frequency: NET 45
Payment Method: Check, Paypal™, or wire transfer, Money Books
Country: ISRAEL
Contact: Telephone: +972-3-7621699
Email:  [email protected]
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CPZ Media Payment Proof
(if you got paid by this network, it will be very thankful for sending me a snapshot with key-information shielded.)
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235 Responses to "CPZ Media"

  1. Jeff says:

    They are not a scam, but I will inform you if there are problems

  2. Noman says:

    I trust Cpzmedia and going to sign up…. Wish me Good luck!

  3. Noman says:

    Spammers are always abusive.

    You know why?
    Because “They are Criminals”

  4. Leolop says:

    I bought traffic from them worth of $500 and received traffic of less than $150.

    Outrageous scam. Stay away from this crap

  5. sara says:

    Yes same problem for me, mallware injections and virus problems for visitors.

  6. Johan says:

    No payment, and mallware injections ads. A lot of visitors send me a email that there computer was infected. When I deleted their ads the problem was fixed.

  7. Toma says:

    yes. CPZMedia.com / CPMpipe.com is Fraud,
    on my site spanish Traffic no payment, account blocked

  8. Indian Sing says:

    CPZMedia.com and CPMpipe.com is Fraud.
    no payment after 4 month. total. 34700$

  9. Stephen says:

    Listen guys! They are legit and of course paying you revenues.

    What I understood here is you guys don’t read their TOS and FAQs and when they disable your account due to policy violation you start saying them fraud.

    I am not defending them they might be wrong in some of their policies but keep in mind you must accepted their TOS and Privacy Policy as the time of sign up so, you can’t complain about it.

    Every and each company reserve the right to disable or suspend any accounts violating their Terms and can forfeit their payments. This is normal practice and even Google, Yahoo, Microsoft doing this.

    As far as I know cpzmedia only forfeit fraudulent and fake impressions. They impose a delay of 180 days for the payments of policy violation.

    I hope I cleared a lot of things.

    Good Luck!

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