
CPMBooster Network Description
CPM Booster is a high technology platform that connects hundreds of top tier advertisers and ad-networks with premium websites with good quality traffic. 

Our state of the art technology learns from every single impression in order to maximize your eCPM and boost your websites revenue. In other words, our technology optimizes to show only the banners that are effective for your audience, so the eCPM will always be the highest possible.

We send rotating tags with high performing cpm, cpc and CPA campaigns, our technology learns and optimizes in real time to choose which one to serve continuously in order to get a high eCPM.

CPMBooster Network Details
Commission Type: CPC(Cost Per Click), CPM(Cost Per Impressions)
Minimum Payment: $ 50
Payment Frequency: NET30
Payment Method: bank transfer  , Paypal.
Country: CA
Contact: Telephone:+1 (408) 338-6542
Email:  [email protected]
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CPMBooster Payment Proof
(if you got paid by this network, it will be very thankful for sending me a snapshot with key-information shielded.)
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9 Responses to "CPMBooster(Closed)"

  1. CaptchMe says:

    Warning for international sites: it seems CPMBooster does not pay its publishers anymore… Waiting a payment for 6 months that never came.

  2. yunita says:

    Scam.. netwokrk my money 2 month 900$ not pay…


  3. Sandra says:

    Great Adnetwork!!! I have tried the for over a month and Im very happy with the results!! The eCPM is very high and my account manager is very helpfull at all times. I really recomend this adnetwork!

  4. Richard says:

    All Good for CPMB, I work them with Adsense side by side and it’s been the best adnetwork compared to some other I tried. Best thing about they pay on the dot. I recommend to try it.

    • atef Sharia says:

      May I ask question, as you know CPMbooster used Google ADX,
      do you put the their code on separate ads space, other than those given to adsense? Beucase, as you know, adsense permits only 3 spaces on the page

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