
Adhearus Description
Adhearus is one of the leading and fastest growing advertising networks on the internet today. Based on a revolutionary, placement-by-performance model, Adhearus enables advertisers to reach more customers and generate more sales then ever before. Similar to television advertising, advertisers can target their advertising based on the content of the website and the location of the viewer. For example, a company selling live flowers could choose to advertise only on Home & Garden sites and have their ads only displayed to people in New York city. I found a sample essay, possibly better college application essays,- research paper help.Web publishers are able to maximize their advertising revenue by selling their advertising space not just to the highest bidder — but to the advertiser that generates the most revenue for them. For example, an ad that pays the webmaster $0.20 per click and gets clicked on very often will be shown more than an ad that pays $0.22 but rarely gets clicked on. This differs from nearly all other networks, who take a one-sided approach. Are you desperate to find a quality research paper help?
Adhearus Details
Commission Type: CPC,PPC
Minimum Payment: $ 20
Payment Frequency: NET30
Payment Method: Cheque
Country: IN
Contact: Telephone:
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Adhearus Payment Proof



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