
B4PSAds Network Description
B4PSAds.com is a fast growing adverting network. We pride ourselves with up  most dedication to our Advertisers and Publishers. We are dedicated to providing quality traffic and better ROI. While some competitor networks leave you constantly struggling to stay ahead of the game, we use proprietary new technology that features Ad Intelligence Placement technology to maximize your campaigns performance and achieve the necessary results that you need grow your business. With daily audits of all traffic and clicks that comes and goes throughout the system, you can rest assured that we have your best interest in mind. B4PSAds.com has a zero tolerance for fraud. Publishers as well as advertiser that try to commit any type of fraud in our network are terminated immediately. We don’t offer second chances.
B4PSAds features Next evolution Ad Targeting, Hybrid Bidding Model, Automatic A/B Split-Testing that in ways most networks has begun to fathom. Our proprietary technology that systematically targets ads based on Automatic A/B Split-Testing and Earnings Optimization. B4PSAds works hard for you, even while you are away from the computer or are sleeping. A/B split testing feature automatically searches for the best results from your landing pages, offer and campaigns… It’s able to do that because we program our software to think and strategizes like an Expert Human Marketer, scaling up ad variations & placements that make the most money and reducing or eliminating the ones that are not turning a decent ROI.
B4PSAds Network Details
Commission Type: CPC,PPC,CPA
Minimum Payment: $ 50
Payment Frequency: NET30
Payment Method: Paypal or Direct Deposit.
Country: US
Contact: Telephone:
Email: [email protected]
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B4PSAds Payment Proof
(if you got paid by this network, it will be very thankful for sending me a snapshot with key-information shielded.)
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2 Responses to "B4PSAds(Closed)"

  1. Fernando says:

    Thank alot i got my 1st payment

  2. Stanley A. says:

    Here is a recent payment proof. As of 2 days ago.

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