
OxaMedia Network Description
OxaMedia is an AdNetwork that has developed its own AdConneXa© Advertising Platform which provides advertisers, agencies and publishers with unique digital marketing solutions.As internet marketing maintains its rapid development and growth, OxaMedia continues to meet the challenge head-on by developing new technologies and innovative marketing tools.
Our goal is to provide our advertisers with the best return on their advertising investment through the delivery of quality and affordable Internet marketing services and our publishers with the highest return for their impressions (eCPM).
OxaMedia is one of the most cost-effective ways to reach Advertisers’ customers. The Advertiser can use the several targeting tools (Contextual, Re-targeting & Re-Marketing, Premium WebSites distribution, Demographic, Channel, Geo, etc) that are relevant to its advertising objectives. This advanced targeting system delivers to the publisher’s websites the ads which are most likely to be relevant for the audience.   Register today and receive a credit bonus of $ 25.00 !!
OxaMedia Network Details
Commission Type: CPC(Cost Per Click), CPM(Cost Per Impressions)
Minimum Payment: $ 100
Payment Frequency: Request the payment only once a month.
After 60 days from invoice date.
Payment Method: Paypal, Bank wire
Country: NL
Contact: Telephone:
Email: [email protected]
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OxaMedia Payment Proof
oxamedia payment proof
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13 Responses to "OxaMedia"

  1. Riccardo says:

    They are scammers! They do not pay me, their tool do not work and they give not sulutions!

  2. james says:

    Hi,try dravam.com its works fine…4 me

  3. Rick says:

    I’ve received 4 payments sofar. Takes ‘m about 3 months average.
    I’m still waiting for the payment of invoices sent in november and december.
    Can’t access the support page either.

  4. john says:

    very long term payment method for scamer

  5. fikky says:

    Me too not received november invoice until now. Support ticket cannot access.

  6. Paola says:

    As for my experience they paid me only once and even late, 90 days, now do not pay more, I wait for the payments of two months, it’s scam!
    do not use it!

  7. lincoln says:

    Will you need to submit application for payment Invoice or Sale Receipt?

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