
Gunggo Network Description

Gunggo understands online advertising. We have years of experience and extensive knowledge on which strategies work best in the digital world. If you are interested in finding out what will work for your brand or website, we are here to help.

We bridge quality advertisements to premium content based websites to create a memorable experience for online users. We provide global ad inventory coverage with immense fill rates and competitive compensation.

Gunggo Network Details
Commission Type: CPM,CPM.CPA
Minimum Payment: $ 50
Payment Frequency: NET30
Payment Method: Check, PayPal,  Wire Transfer
Country: CA
Contact: Telephone:+1.416.637.5079
Email:[email protected]
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Gunggo Payment Proof
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14 Responses to "Gunggo"

  1. George E says:

    Stay away from Gunggo.
    They have bad traffic which doesn’t convert.

    Stay away from Kat Ward.

    She promised us a refund – never got the refund, never heard again from her.

    The best advise we can give is not to work with Gunggo.

    • Kat says:

      Hi George,

      As far as my knowledge I only work with one George and it isn’t you. From which company are you referring to as I/we answer ALL e-mails and inquiries, and certainly DO NOT hold back refunds. If you in fact do have a refund (and I can assure it’s not from my end) then please email me. [email protected] or add me to Skype: kat_gunggo (which I am always available) and it will be solved. But again, I know my partnerships well, and I only work with 1 George in the past 4 years here.


  2. gunggouser says:

    big cheater. no payment, no response.

    stay away

  3. Usama says:

    The biggest scam site I’ve come across with.

    They have paid me for some months and now they’ve eaten all of my money.

    Beware using this network

  4. adsaddict says:

    They SCAM me BIGTIME!

  5. Jay says:

    Scam. payments are always late. too much adware which will diminish the user experience.
    They claim they have banner ads but they will only give you pop-up. you can’t even bargain.

  6. Tim Flores says:

    They are scam network.They pay a little money and hack most of your money.

  7. Just started working with them and so far they are awesome, plus they are not a scam.

  8. Gunggo Scam says:

    Gunggo is scam. They tamper with the rates and pay you the half of what zedo statistical platform shows. Their accounting never responds, their phone is always on voice machine and they completly ignore you when it comes to payment. See the attached screenshot for proof.

  9. Georgia Murc says:

    I’ve worked with Gunggo for about 1-2 years now. They are great. Always on time with payments and always there to help.

1 2

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