

YieldSelect Network Description

Industry Leading CPM Rates
Your ad inventory is valuable, and at YieldSelect, we understand that. While many ad networks focus on achieving the lowest CPM rates for their advertisers, we at YieldSelect take a different approach. We understand that the publishers are the key to the online advertising world, so our goal is to reward them the highest CPM possible.

Payments Are On Time, Every Time
We understand the frustration of having to “chase” an ad network for your payments. Networks may claim “net-30” payments, but in reality pay net-60, or sometimes, never at all. We guarantee to have your payment sent to you on time, every time. No headaches, just money in the bank.

Only The Highest Quality Advertisers
The ads you display on your website are a reflection of the quality of your website. If visitors see over-animated ads, ads claiming free* products, and other annoying/low quality ads, your site instantly becomes less credible. YieldSelect enforces strict quality guidelines on its advertisers to ensure a clean browsing experience for your visitors.

Dedicated Account Managers
Every publisher is assigned a dedicated account manager whom can easily be reached by email or phone. Emails typically receive responses within hours, or many times even minutes. We’re here to help you every step of the way, along with achieving the highest possible CPM.

CPM & CPC Campaigns Only
We don’t mix CPA, CPL, CPS, or any other ads where the visitor must register or purchase a product in order for you to be paid. Publishers are paid for ads when their viewed and clicked.

World Class 24/7 Support Team
Your website never sleeps, and neither should your ad network! If a problem or question arises, we’re here to help guide you through it.

YieldSelect Network Details
Commission Type: CPC /CPM
Minimum Payment: $ 50
Payment Frequency: Net 30
Payment Method: Paypal, Wire
Country: US
Contact: Telephone: +1 (215) 375-7624
Email: [email protected]
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YieldSelect Payment Proof
(if you got paid by this network, it will be very thankful for sending me a snapshot with key-information shielded.)
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