

ExcellenceAds Network Description

Excellenceads.com is a professional adserving platform offering advanced capabilities. It empowers large networks of sites, affiliate programs and high traffic websites.

ExcellenceAds Network Details
Commission Type: CPM, POP
Minimum Payment: $ 10
Payment Frequency: Net 15, Daily
Payment Method: Paypal, Wire, Payoneer
Country: USA
Contact: Email: [email protected]
Join This Network
ExcellenceAds Payment Proof
(if you got paid by this network, it will be very thankful for sending me a snapshot with key-information shielded.)
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Rating: 2.8/5 (40 votes cast)
VN:F [1.9.20_1166]
Rating: -1 (from 33 votes)

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159 Responses to "ExcellenceAds(Closed)"

  1. malware detect says:

    malware detect.not recommend

  2. Ajit says:

    joined yesterday.
    stops counting after reaching 10000 impressions for each ad space.

  3. apkmaniax says:

    ExcellenceAds pay me
    hopefully still legit

  4. ramos says:

    @Nikmaster why delete my reply aha hhh because i what i said its true
    you are the same admin or work for this admin and this is a fake transaction from paypal to paypal to proof the payment and people beclive you are a good publisher got paid from this fuking ad network
    its fake fake , and scam scam scam dont wast your time

  5. Nikmaster says:

    I’m not was banned from them, you’ve probably been guilty, i recived the payment on time with 1-3 days delay.

    My last payment was bigger then all and i post here, EXCELLENCEADS is legit, thanks for my big payment.

    • Nikmaster says:

      you can check my transaction ID, is not fake.

      • Scam Doctor says:

        You can fool some of the people but not all of the people if anyone want to believe this payment they are very stupid this is a setup. THE site was not getting a lot traffic from the first of the month for you to make that moneySCAM SCAM SCAN

        • Nikmaster says:

          Friend, i leave in screenshot TRANSACTION ID, you can check if payment is real or no, and you can not trust me, but i recived this payment and i still working with them

          • ramos says:

            and who tell me you work with him or you are same admin because anyone can send money to another paypal and say i got paid
            100 publisher here said its scam and you come and share fake paypal transaction to said i got paid , this is a fuking scam network only wast of time

  6. ramos says:

    becareful when i reach the minimum payout remove my account without any reason its not ban they remove account without any reason
    dont wast your time with this fking ad network
    scammer scammmer scammmer fuck you , you wast 1 month of my time

  7. MBGNEW says:

    This Is a sacm first don’t pay then close the account, when i contact with him he say you using a fake traffik but i haven’t use it before

  8. Scam Doctor says:

    This site is officially SCAM do not join when its time to pay they will not pay you

1 5 6 7 8

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