Adversal Launch New Enhanced UI, Aug 18th

We’ve been hard at work here at Adversal designing a new publisher interface from the ground up that will not only make it easier for you to manage your account, but will also give you better access to vital statistics and at a much quicker rate over the current system. We’re excited to announce that the new enhanced system is ready to go and will be available on Monday, August 18th.

Some features to expect:

Stats will be easier to manipulate and navigate through giving you better insight into your inventory. Reporting will also now update several times a day instead of just once every 24 hours.
Graphing enhancements allow graphing of just about any data within your account making it much easier to see your audience and other statistics from a visual standpoint.
Increased ad quality controls will allow you to set filter strength and even the omission of certain ad types from your account.
You will now be able to access the bidding history for your site(s). This information can be used to assess how buyers see your inventory.
Find out when a referred account signed-up and whether that referral is active or not. You can also see referral earnings by each individual referred account. Note that referral user information will be obscured for privacy.

Source: Adversal‘s Blog

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