Tag Junction(Closed)


Tag Junction Network Description
Tag Junction is a performance-based affiliate network, focused on lead-generation and customer acquisition. At Tag Junction we are 100% committed to providing the best ROI to our merchants and we are 100% committed to maximizing the revenue of our publishing partners. Since our founding, we have been focused on generating the best leads and sales results possible for our Advertisers and Affiliates.Tag Junction continues to grow and evolve as the internet marking world continues to be ever changing. At Tag Junction, we believe in customer service, quality product and careful management. Our goal is not to refine affiliate marketing, but to recreate it. We offer advertisers custom, targeted solutions that generate high-volume, premium-quality leads and sales.Tag Junction represents the next generation in Affiliate Networks. We provide our Advertisers with a way to dramatically increase revenue, while maintaining complete control over costs. We offer the industry’s best performing CPA campaigns with the fastest and most reliable pay terms. Our network consists of hundreds of top-tier publishers who can market your offer in a number of ways, including: email, banners, pops, contextual, and search. We offer publishers attractive economics, highly functional reporting tools and superior service.
Tag Junction Network Details
Commission Type: CPM,CPA
Minimum Payment: $  10
Payment Frequency: NET30
Payment Method: Paypal,Moneybooks,Direct Deposit,Wire Transfer
Country: Singapore
Contact: Telephone:
Email:[email protected]
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Tag Junction Payment Proof
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Rating: +3 (from 7 votes)

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8 Responses to "Tag Junction(Closed)"

  1. Jacky H says:

    It is very prompt network i use it and use

  2. admin says:

    how can get new publish account of tagjunction.

  3. neo says:

    Exactly what is the minimum payout amount?
    Adswiki details says $50 but payment proof seems $10

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