
Inadda Description
As a very innovative and unique Online advertising network is here to help all the website owners have a centralized place to advertise and market their websites on the internet. Website owners (Publishers) and Advertisers can now rest assured that all their needs related to promotions and publicizing their sites are taken care of in a systematic manner. Those who wish to give their ads on publisher websites can get in touch with us for all round support and help. The provides wholesome solutions to all your publicity needs. We also provide expert advice on online promotion and marketing at very reasonable charges.
Company overview and corporate profile:
With we aim to target the younger generation to entertain them and help them in putting up ads online. The website publishers are being benefited by our dedicated research and ability to zoom in on the target audience. The advertisers and promoters are always aiming for increased sales and this can be achieved by our efficient and methodical approach which helps the company prosper in the long run. We help in building ‘brand awareness’ through an organized set of campaigns and we also generate leads which in turn helps the site garner more amount of traffic. With the finest and very advantageous policy for implementing the online marketing plan conceptualized for your business, is certainly the best provider for all your advertizing needs.
Inadda Details
Commission Type: CPM(Cost Per Impressions)
Minimum Payment: $100
Payment Frequency: NET30
Payment Method: Cheque,Paypal,Payoneer,Bank
Country: IN
Contact: Telephone:+91 11 43559663
Email: [email protected]
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Inadda Payment Proof
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