888 Media

888 Media Network Description
888 Media is a dynamic Internet advertising network for advertisers focused on performance and publishers who wish to earn the most for their available inventory.
888 Media serves as a strategic partner to quality content publishers, offering a national sales force and the industry’s most advanced ad management tools and services to earn the highest possible revenue from every type of online advertising inventory. Repl.
888 Media Network Details
Commission Type: CPC, CPM,Auction
Minimum Payment: $ 100
Payment Frequency: NET30
Payment Method: Paypal,Credit card
Country: UK
Contact: Telephone:+448455575636
Email:[email protected]
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888 Media Payment Proof
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12 Responses to "888 Media"

  1. Grayson says:

    Hi All,

    We have been working with 888 Media from quite a long time, and they are simply professional at what they do. We never incurred any problems in working with this company.

    Also, our relationship has been a very profitable one.


  2. Tarry Zotiski says:

    I have been using 888 Media for Advertising and also have a few sites lined up as Publishers for them. I am quite happy with my experience so far. Payments are timely and they have experienced account managers who ensure quality of traffic for me.

    Wish them Luck!

  3. Johnny Darwin says:

    This company is a fraud and a scam. Please beware! Here is more information on how they are a FRAUD and SCAM: https://forums.digitalpoint.com/threads/is-888media-net-a-scam-or-is-it-legit.2370349/#post-17381683

  4. Tehseen says:


    They not paid to many of the publishers including me

  5. Please tell me 888media network pays really???

  6. yes i have a lot of traffic. but i want to know that is there anybody has been paid by 888media yet????

  7. Kira says:

    Nice company. They rent your ad space instead of paying your CPM/CPC. I’m earning 200$ every month for a site that used to get 20$ per month on Adsense

  8. John Dillard says:

    These guys are awesome. If you have a lot of traffic then 888media.net is the best.

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